Loving Coding & Visual Design

Grunt Build Error: require.js blocks are no more supported

When I use Yo to test Backbone webapp, I get thie error:

Running "useminPrepare:html" (useminPrepare) task
Fatal error: require.js blocks are no more supported.

According to the discuss in grunt-usemin, I update Gruntfile.js with requirejs.dis.options:

Insert the following options:

include: '../bower_components/requirejs/require',
mainConfigFile: yeomanConfig.app + '/scripts/main.js',
out: yeomanConfig.dist + '/scripts/app.min.js'

Then update index.html in app category from


The problem should be resolved.

And after build app to dist category, don't forget to change index.html, use app.min.js to replace requirejs/require.js.


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